
China has successfully developed a complete set of domestic marine power station equipment

Release time:2022-06-07   Browse:291

Xinhua Shanghai, September 19 (reporter Wang Wei) the localization "research and development of complete sets of equipment for marine power stations" project undertaken by China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation passed the product technical appraisal on the 19th after nearly two years of scientific research and research by relevant units. This is a complete set of marine automatic power station equipment independently developed by China.

The reporter learned at the press conference held on the 19th that the project has successfully solved many key technical problems in the development of complete sets of equipment for marine power station system by using a large number of modular and standardized designs, and has achieved a number of innovative results.

The localization "research and development of complete equipment for marine power station" project aims at the localization of automatic power station for 70000-110000 ton oil tankers. It has successfully developed the main distribution board and emergency distribution board of marine power station with independent intellectual property rights, which meet the requirements of international specifications, adopt vertical frame shielding structure and modular design.

At the same time, a power station monitoring system with independent intellectual property rights has been developed. Through the introduction, digestion and absorption of its main generator unit, it has broken through the key technology of design and manufacturing of main parts, and the localization rate of complete machine parts has reached more than 70%, forming an industrial scale.

At present, China has become the third largest shipbuilding country in the world after Japan and South Korea, and the share of shipbuilding industry in the international market has reached 12%. However, due to the fact that China's ship equipment can not be self-supporting, which seriously restricts the international competitiveness of China's ship supporting industry, the actual loading rate of China's ship supporting equipment is less than 40%.

Marine power station equipment, including main generator set, emergency generator set and main / emergency switchboard, is an important and necessary equipment for ships and marine engineering equipment, with huge market potential. Therefore, the successful development and industrial scale of the project will be a new economic growth point for China's shipbuilding industry, which can directly reduce the shipbuilding cost of the general assembly plant and enhance the international competitiveness of China's shipbuilding industry.

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Copyright:Jiangsu Haitai Marine Equipment Co., Ltd 苏ICP备2022004840号-1