
Chinese brand of ship supporting equipment should be self-improvement

Release time:2022-06-07   Browse:288

Recently, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the founding of Beijing Hisense Data Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Hisense or the company), Dongqiang, chairman of China shipbuilding group and renyuanlin, chairman of Jiangsu Yangzi River shipbuilding group, two giants in the camp of central enterprises and private enterprises in the domestic shipbuilding industry, sent congratulatory letters respectively. In his congratulatory message, Dong Qiang said that over the years, following the R & D concept of independent research and development and international cooperation, Hisense has independently researched and developed high-end products, breaking the pattern of international monopoly, becoming a supplier of independent brands and a service provider of system integration, forming an important influence in the industry at home and abroad, and has established a pivotal industry position. Renyuanlin also praised that Hisense's products have come to the fore in the fierce international competition. Not only has the technical level reached the international level, but also has the advantage in price, can improve the purchasing environment of shipyards and break foreign monopolies. Hisense is a rare private enterprise and listed company in China's shipbuilding electronics field, and has explored an effective path for the independent development of China's shipbuilding enterprises.

Since the beginning of the new century, China's shipbuilding industry has achieved leapfrog development, and has become the world's largest shipbuilding country. At the same time, the huge ship supporting market has also led to the rapid development of China's ship supporting industry. At present, the annual output value of China's shipbuilding supporting industry has reached 100 billion yuan, the output of main supporting equipment has increased year by year, and the supporting product system has been gradually improved, providing strong support for the development of China's shipbuilding and shipping industry. But at the same time, we must also see that the international competitiveness of China's ship supporting industry is still relatively weak, and the strength of its own brand is weak. There is still a long way to go to achieve the goal of becoming stronger. What is noteworthy is that in recent years, China's ship supporting equipment manufacturers have assumed the national responsibility of becoming bigger and stronger, and have initially formed a self owned brand development model for China's ship supporting equipment, with fruitful results.

Transformation of development mode to the combination of independent R & D and manufacturing

Ship supporting industry is an important part of modern shipbuilding industry, and ship equipment accounts for a high proportion in the whole ship trading volume. At present, China's ship supporting capacity can not well meet the needs of the shipbuilding industry, especially in the field of high-tech ships and marine engineering equipment, the localization supporting rate is less than 30%, which is still a big gap compared with the supporting level of more than 90% in Japan and South Korea, which also shows that China's ship supporting equipment manufacturing capacity and market development have a great development space. In recent years, under the guidance of the national shipbuilding industry adjustment and revitalization plan, made in China 2025 and other policies, China's shipbuilding supporting industry has continuously improved its independent R & D capacity, and breakthroughs have been made in the development of a large number of key equipment and key products, especially in the field of communication and navigation equipment. The development mode of China's ship supporting industry is changing from manufacturing with imported technology to combining independent R & D and manufacturing, and the road of independent brand of Beijing Hisense Data Technology Co., Ltd. is a typical example.

Communication and navigation equipment and control system is one of the important links in the ship supporting, and it is also the main bottleneck and short board that has long affected the healthy development of China's shipbuilding industry. At present, China's shipbuilding industry is in a critical transition period of accelerated development. Promoting the localization of autonomous communication and navigation equipment has become one of the important tasks for the development of China's shipbuilding industry. Since its establishment in 2001, Hisense has adhered to the path of independent research and development, and has successively independently developed ship borne navigation data recorder (VDR), ship remote monitoring management system (VMS), ship steering instrument (SCS), ship electronic integrated system (Veis), electronic chart display and information system (ECDIS), navigation radar (radar), bridge navigation watch alarm system (bnwas), rudder angle indication system (rais) and Track control system (TCS) and other communication products. In 2013, Hisense independently developed and launched the smart bridge The integrated navigation system has also been certified by China Classification Society (CCS) for the first time in the world. In 2015, on this basis, the company further researched ship shore + Internet, launched hi cloud ship remote information service system, and started the ship intelligent track. In the 15 years since its establishment, Hisense has launched new products almost every year, and has realized the transformation from a single independent product to a supplier of series products to a system integration service provider with high-tech content; From a single ocean going merchant ship to merchant ships, official ships, fishing boats, marine engineering ships, ships, and the whole field of physical oceans, ocean exploration, ocean surveying and mapping, and underwater engineering; From the field of navigation intelligence to the field of marine information; Four far-reaching changes from civil products first, military standards second, to military and civil products going hand in hand.

A number of products independently developed by Hisense have not only filled the gap in China's ship supporting industry, but also established a unique school in the field of marine intelligence and marine informatization, creating the international image of Chinese brands, thus winning the trust of the market and the favor of users. Recently, on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the founding of Hisense, Dongqiang, chairman of China shipbuilding group and renyuanlin, chairman of Jiangsu Yangzi River shipbuilding group, two giants representing the camp of central enterprises and private enterprises in the domestic shipbuilding industry, sent congratulatory letters respectively. Dongqiang pointed out that over the years, following the research and development concept of independent research and development and international cooperation, Hisense has independently researched and developed high-end products, breaking the pattern of international monopoly, becoming a supplier of independent brands and a service provider of system integration, forming an important influence in the industry at home and abroad and establishing a pivotal industry position. Renyuanlin also praised that Hisense's products have come to the fore in the fierce international competition. Not only has the technical level reached the international level, but also has advantages in price, can improve the purchasing environment of shipyards, and break foreign monopolies. Hisense is a rare private enterprise and listed company in China's shipbuilding electronics field, exploring an effective path for the development of China's shipbuilding enterprises.

Intelligence, informatization and globalization have become an important symbol of a strong shipbuilding country

The main marine equipment is basically based in China and is an important symbol of a strong shipbuilding country. The 13th five year plan is a critical period for China to build a strong shipbuilding country and an important strategic opportunity for the transformation and upgrading of China's shipbuilding supporting industry. In order to improve the supporting capacity and level of China's marine equipment as soon as possible and better meet the needs of shipping and shipbuilding, the Ministry of industry and information technology recently issued the action plan for improving the capacity of the ship supporting industry 2016-2020. According to the plan, by 2020, China will master the core technology of communication and intelligent systems and equipment, and have brand products with strong international competitiveness; Strive to achieve an average loading rate of more than 85% of localized marine equipment by 2025, and become a major marine equipment manufacturing power in the world.

The plan also proposes to develop and establish a digital operation guarantee system in the core supporting fields such as deck machinery and cabin conduction equipment to form a global service capacity around the needs of safe and reliable operation guarantee and remote monitoring management in the product life cycle. This is also highly consistent with Hisense's strategic business planning for marine intelligence and marine informatization. At present, vigorously promoting the development of Marine Information Industry and maintaining marine safety and interests has become a national strategic demand. Focusing on the national strategy of building a marine power, Hisense will focus on the two main businesses of marine intelligence and marine informatization, actively carry out business work, and provide customers with ship intelligent system solutions, shore based and ship / ship borne sea monitoring services, marine survey instrument application and system integration, etc. At the same time, Hisense will continue to expand its marine monitoring product line, build a sea, air and space integrated marine monitoring network and marine information data platform that combines nearshore + offshore + medium and high seas with surface + underwater, provide effective data decision-making information for sea area use management, marine environment protection, marine resources exploration and utilization, marine law enforcement and supervision, and comprehensively serve the construction of the national marine observation network.

In addition to its unswerving belief in independent development, the success of Hisense also benefits from its two networks' one-stop development strategy, that is, taking independent research and development as the core, expanding and building a global market network and a global after-sales service network. After 15 years of exploration and accumulation, Hisense has formed a unique dumbbell shaped Transnational Cooperative R & D model. One end of the dumbbell is the Italian R & D team, and the other end is the Russian R & D team, who undertake relevant cutting-edge technology R & D tasks respectively; In the middle of dumbbell is the domestic core R & D team, which absorbs re innovation and integrated innovation on the basis of introducing foreign advanced technology, and forms Zui end products. As a result, the local R & D team firmly grasped the initiative and control of technological innovation and ensured that the intellectual property rights of product technology were fully owned by Hisense. In 2015, Hisense invested and acquired laurel industries and rockson automation, and jointly initiated the establishment of Zhongguancun intelligent special robot alliance. This will further enhance Hisense's independent R & D capability and international advanced level. In terms of services, Hisense has gradually established more than 80 service outlets in more than 40 countries and regions, including the United States, France, Russia, Spain, Canada and Singapore, and has a technical service team and a service network that can provide global timely response. The perfect global service system has not only become the support for the subsequent new products of Hisense to enter the market, but also become the unique advantage for customers to choose Hisense products.

Relying on its three-dimensional marine monitoring network and marine basic data platform with independent intellectual property rights, Hisense is accelerating the transformation and upgrading to a marine big data operation service provider. We expect that in the near future, China's ship supporting industry will emerge more national enterprises that adhere to independent development, focus on internationalization and have a sense of industry mission like Hisense. We also believe that China's shipbuilding industry will continue to create new brilliance on the road of independent development.

  • Address:No. 28, Gensi West Road, urban industrial park, Taixing City
  • Fax:0523-87662977
  • Tel:0523- 87662855
Copyright:Jiangsu Haitai Marine Equipment Co., Ltd 苏ICP备2022004840号-1